I chose the photo of me and my 3-month-old little one to represent this section on purpose. It perfectly illustrates Doman’s claim that it is never too early to teach a child and that the earlier we start, the better. I think it is better both for a baby and a parent. We started the maths programme when Maja was 5-6 months old and the reading programme when she was 9-10 months old and I wish we had started even earlier.
This section of my blog was suggested by one of the readers. I would like to thank you – Ewa for this and many other ideas. I will put them into practice sooner or later but first I need to find more time and acquire more ICT skills because I am still an amateur. As you can find out from About me page, I am not an ICT engineer but just a teacher of English. It took me two weeks to figure out how to add new sections and subsections to this blog. I will try to follow your ideas interchangeably with mine because I myself usually have one thousand ideas per minute.
In March 2018 I started cooperating with a professional programmer so my blog will be more and more professional. Additionally, I started cooperating with a graphics designer. I thank you both for all.
- four kinds of children’s first books for Doman’s whole-word reading programme :
baby-inspired books (including first professional ones created in cooperation with graphics designer)
books supporting baby’s linguistic development
I think I will write a separate article on this topic because not only books have positive impact on my daughter’s speech development. In a nutshell, if I notice that she can say something in Polish but not in English or if she makes a mistake I try to correct it by showing her a sentence or a phrase written on a piece of paper. I created the whole book with an expression “I want/ I don’t want.”
Since Maja’s 23 month of life she has been saying “I want/ I don’t want” very often. I admit this is not easy period in our life and I think that if you introduce the book I share before a child starts expressing his or her demands it may speed up this process 😛 She started showing off her willingness or unwillingness to do different things in the Polish language. I wish her English was on the same level as Polish so I tried to teach her how to express her will also in English however nice it had been without those demands. Who knows….maybe the books of this kind will inspire you to create your own ones.
books including bits of intelligence
I have already written a post about bits of intelligence but it hasn’t been translated into English yet. The books which I share here are include some bits of intelligence making a child familiar with some encyclopedic knowledge. I came up with an idea for the first book by chance. After an old cartridge had been replaced, my printer went crazy. It started printing completely black pages. Instead of throwing away those pages I remembered I had a white marker which I had used before for writing some description in our photo album. I decided to use it and the black pages were supposed to represent the night. Just for you, the first 3 pictures have been replaced with 3 free pictures I found on the Internet because I considered them better. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find more so I used my own “masterpieces.” 😛 To create this book took me much less time comparing with how much time I spent creating the first ones. Maybe, inspired by my idea, you will make a similar one on black paper. Maybe yours will be more advanced one with more constellations and sky phenomena.
- word lists for the books ideal for the whole-word reading programme which I found on the market (coming soon)
- the list of equations in the maths programme by Doman (coming soon)
You can edit everything according to your needs. I add something new from time to time. Unfortunately, I can’t insert all our materials here because this will be an infringement of the copyright law. All the books I put here as downloadable have been created with the use of free pictures that I found online or my own ones. If you also create books for your children I would be really grateful if you share. I know that there is a lot of work involved in creating each of them and every one is precious.
We enjoy encyclopedic knowledge with my daughter. I combine it with the reading programme. More in the article about bits which will be translated into English sooner or later.
This is just the beginning and I will be grateful for any feedback.
- printables for Doman’s reading programme – coming soon
This section is quite new. I will put there all I will find related to right-brain training. At the moment you will find building blocks templates 1:1.
At the very beginning Doman advises preparing a kid for new books. He suggests introducing all new words which a child hasn’t seen before. All new words are to be introduced in the same way as at the beginning but it is highly possible that less repetition may be necessary. It’s been a long time since we were doing this special stage. The book “Nose is not Toes” by Doman was the first. Although the review hasn’t been translated into English yet, you will find all the words appearing in this book to download Jeśli ktoś skusił się na jej zakup tutaj znajdzie gotową listę wszystkich pojawiających się w tej książce słów do wydrukowania.
Maja was already 19 months old when I presented her chosen words from the list. At present we use Calibri font (you will find more information regarding fonts here), size 80 which is the size recommended for kids at this age by Doman. For a short time, lead by my daughter who saw and still sees really small things we used Verdana font, size 50. It was before I bought ideal books for Doman’s programme in the Polish language. I am sure she saw those words but I decided to make them bigger and change the font.
The first word list is exactly the same as presented in Doman’s book to be read by small children. Obviously, I printed only chosen words for my daughter. I omitted all words like “a” which don’t have any meaning without a context.
Although we have illustrated cards in the Polish language and I had been doing illustrated flashcards with her for some time, I presented the words from word lists without any pictures. I tried to show each one in a context e.g. immediately after saying and presenting “maybe” I said “Maybe we will go outside, maybe not.” Maja joyfully repeated this word after me. After several repetitions I just presented the words without saying anything extra to speed up the presentation.
After you have read this introduction you are welcome to download the lists. Remember to delete the words which have already appeared in your reading programme. Children don’t like too much repetition. To make cutting the words easier I put them all in a table.
- lists of mathematical equations by Glenn Doman – coming soon
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I am really curious if and how you use the materials you can download here. Maybe you have some suggestions as for what I should add in this section. I would be really delighted if you leave a comment and share your experience.
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I have created a Facebook group for parents doing Doman as I haven’t found any. This is just the beginning but I hope there will be more and more of us soon and that we will share our experience with one another.