In his books Glenn Doman provides us with detailed instructions how to create maths dot cards and numeral cards as well as bits of intelligence and reading cards. However, I decided that I don’t have enough time for doing this. I have always preferred learning by heart than doing any manual work. The alternative is preparing everything on a computer but I can say now it is time-consuming, too. Parents of small kids don’t have enough time to create as many learning materials as they wish. Fortunately, times have changed since Doman wrote his books. Today it is possible to buy ready-made sets.
We have already completed all of the cards available on the Polish market, both in English and in Polish: reading, maths based on dots, bit of intelligence. Now I started printing new words but our programme is not so intensive as it was in the first year. I recommend you starting with a ready-made set, especially if you start with a baby younger than 1 year. You can create more cards later on.
I bought a used set as I found a bargain. The cards in the picture were published by a company which no longer exists – Pentliczek (a Polish publishing company). It included reading cards, dot cards and numerals 1-30. We need more numerals for Doman’s maths programme and as soon as we completed the ones I had, I bought the whole set from 0 to 100 from WczesnaEdukacja (a Polish publishing company, but as far as I know they sell also abroad). I really recommend them and I have the English reading cards from this company. They also have the cards in the Polish language but I won’t describe them because we had different ones (more pictures in the article about illustrated cards for reading). All sets by WczesnaEdukacja are ideal and contain plenty of flashcards.
As I mentioned before the cards come from WczesnaEdukacja. There are more than 400 flashcards in two sets.
I believe all the reading cards by WczesnaEdukacja comply with Doman’s suggestions. Our cards in the Polish language were a bit modified. Our maths set from a different company was also not exactly like it should be: the dots are a bit smaller than Doman suggested. I was worried a bit when I discovered that and I decided to buy something extra. I will write about it sooner or later.
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