
Learn maths through a game

A game inspired by the one created by the scientists from Johns Hopkins University. They have tested it and confirmed it improves mathematical skills of pupils. You will find more details below.

You are welcome to test and to comment on  Facebook.

Where are more dots? – Click here to go full screen.


Some time ago I started cooperating with an amazing computer programmer. The first result is a simple game supporting mathematical skills. We were inspired by the following video:

The woman says that this exercise had nothing to do with numbers and despite this contributed to incredible results with kids playing just 5 minutes daily. They had probably never heard about the Doman method. Dots represent a real quantity of numbers. This game can be a part of one of the steps of Doman’s maths programme – problem-solving opportunities.

In the game below the colour of dots results from Doman’s suggestions. He recommends black dots on a white background or white dots on a black background in case of newborns and babies from 0 to 3 months old and red dots later on. To avoid unnecessary stimulation we have decided to give you a colour information: green- correct, red- incorrect. Of course, parents are welcome to praise their kids and inform them about correct answers if they wish to do so. Cards change every 5 seconds. We have introduced points for parents and for older kids. 


Have you found the game useful? If yes, share with others. I would be really delighted if you leave a comment and share your experience and ideas. 

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I have created a Facebook group for parents doing Doman as I haven’t found any. This is just the beginning but I hope there will be more and more of us soon and that we will share our experience with one another.