

As I have mentioned in Must-have section, we have had our morning routine with books for a long time. These have been all kinds of books for kids, not only typical fairy tales. As a result of my idea to raise my child bilingually (intentional bilingualism), I use English only when reading to Maja.

I have decided to write this post because despite our prolonged time spent with one book (5 consecutive days like in the Doman method with the cards), which I mentioned here we have run out of books. What to do now? According to Doman, kids don’t like revisions so I have decided against using the same books in the same way. I have a different idea and for us it is a new game. 

Most of our books have one thing in common: there is a small white mouse on the cover and on each page. It is often partly hidden. We return to these books but this time we look for the mouse. I ask: Where is the mouse? and I give Maja some time to think and then I point and tell her: Here is the mouse. Once she has even managed to show me the mouse with her finger. What about you? Can you see the mouse? 😛

Books for kids
Usborne, books, “This is not my” series

 When it comes to other books, it is Maja who decides what we do. I tell her the name of everything she points at with her finger. This is how we play with books now.


Of course we need more and more books. Quite recently we have received touchy-feely interactive finger puppet books by Sam Lloyd and really simple books recommended by Glenn Doman for one of the last stages of global reading. I will write more about them soon. 

Books for kids in English
Monster books by Sam Lloyd


Books for global reading
Books recommended by Doman


Have you found my experience useful? If yes, share with others. How do your read to your baby? I would be delighted if you leave a comment and share your experience. 

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I have created a Facebook group for parents doing Doman as I haven’t found any. This is just the beginning but I hope there will be more and more of us soon and that we will share our experience with one another.

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